Photo by D. Gordon E. Robertson [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], from Wikimedia Commons

Motherwort is a herbaceous perennial in the mint family. She is known to help soothe the physical and emotional heart. She can be used to promote blood circulation, lower cholesterol, relax a rapidly beating heart, and assist in easing stress on the heart muscle.

She also works on an emotional level, assisting in relieving melancholy and depression when it relates to heart matters. According to Nicholas Culpepper, “There is no better herb to take melancholy vapors from the heart, to strengthen it and make a merry, cheerful blithe soul than this one.”

She is also known as “mother’s hug in a bottle” and can assist women in relieving painful menses, bring on delayed menses, is a great herb to relieve pain and stress after giving birth, and is considered a uterine tonic.

She is also used to calm hyperthyroidism and balance the nervous system. The list goes on and on for this power packed herb and we are proud to have her as a main resident in the medicine garden. We are offering this plant in bulk tea and tincture form.